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Working from home can be a challenge on it’s own. Distractions and keeping a schedule are difficult enough without a child but a nanny can help. It is a great way to be able to spend more time with your child but a few clear boundaries and tips might help you stay focused, your nanny on track and your child happy!

NannyPay Work at Home Blog Post

  • Keep good byes short and sweet and keep to a schedule. Your child will learn when it’s time to spend time with mom or dad versus the nanny. As much as you may want to make a quick stop into the play area, remember your child might not understand the quick stops and wonder why mom or dad is retreating to their office. You might want to set a specific time you can spend with your child each day. This will avoid you interupting the nanny and give you and your child something to look forward to.
  • Lay ground rules for your home office. Is all the time “Do Not Disturb” or are there times the nanny can pop in to ask you a question. Make clear boundaries for the home office.
  • For those with a home office you may want to consider a second phone line for the office. If you use the home line, be clear whether the nanny should be answering the phone and taking messages or letting it go to voice mail.
  • Resist the urge to check on every case of tears or tantrums. Moms and dads usually know a serious cry when they hear it.
  • If you will be having visitors to your home office or holding meetings you may want to consider a daily or weekly schedule you can make the nanny aware of meetings ahead of time.
  • If you need to discuss how the nanny handles a situation try to set a time aside away from your child. Children can easily attempt to play nanny against parent.
  • Work hours should be very clear with the nanny and stay at home parent. This will avoid nanny arriving late or parent adding time to the day.
  • Schedule a formal time to speak with the nanny once a month to talk about how things are going. It helps avoid the day to day micro-managing of the nanny and allows them to express any concerns.

Have a tip for working from home? Share with us!

Working from Home