- Run NannyPay2 on your desktop computer. Export and save a copy of your desktop data by using the “Export to NannyPay Cloud” command under the “File” menu (Please be patient, as this may take some time depending upon how many transactions you have in your desktop software);
- Save the exported data file (“CloudData.tab”) created in step one to a location on your desktop computer. You will need to locate this file later, so be sure to remember where you saved it. Do not change the name of this file.
- Visit our website and Login into your NannyPay customer portal Dashboard;
- Once logged into your Dashboard, click on the “NannyPay Cloud ” tab to be linked to the NannyPay Cloud application;
- After accepting the license agreement, follow the instructions on the Welcome page to locate the CloudData.tab file you created in Step 1 and import your existing settings and transactions into the Cloud application.
- Once you initiate the import process, you will be logged out of the Cloud application to permit the import process to complete and returned to your Dashboard. This logout will happen only once.
- Wait for a moment or two, and then click on the NannyPay Cloud tab again to be taken to your new NannyPay Cloud account!
- If you have any questions, report bugs, provide feedback or need other assistance, please email techsupport@nannypay.com.
How to Export Your NannyPay2 Data for the CloudKelly Shacklett2022-08-31T17:46:34+00:00