Do I need a
Payroll Software or a Payroll Service?
Doing your own payroll is not complicated, and learning about the payroll process can be exciting and fun; however, educating yourself about your state and federal tax obligations does take effort.
3. Are you willing to invest 3 to 4 hours to learn about your state and federal payroll tax obligations? We offer our online NannyPay University course to get you started and once you have educated yourself and registered as an employer with the federal and your state governments, you will be ready to setup your NannyPay Cloud payroll
system. Does this feel right to you?
NannyPay does not support a traditional direct deposit option and if you choose to use a payroll service you may be charged a substantial extra fee for this feature.
4. Are you willing to pay your nanny or household employee by check or use a modern payment system such as your Bank’s bill pay service, Venmo, PayPal, Google Wallet, SquareCash, Zelle or other third-party electronic payment option?
NannyPay appears right for you!
Signup NOW and give us a try, RISK FREE, with our 14-day Money Back guarantee.
Still not sure? Check out our FAQs about NannyPay and being a household employer.