
The Federal Employees Return-to-Work Mandate: What It Means for Parents and the Importance of Paying Your Nanny Legally

For many professionals with young children, the shift back to in-office work—whether full-time or hybrid—presents new challenges in securing reliable child care. With the recent 2025 mandate for federal employees to return to work, families must now decide: enroll their child in daycare or hire an in-home caregiver like a nanny. While each option has its benefits, many parents are turning to nannies for the personalized care, schedule flexibility, and one-on-one attention they provide. However, employing a nanny comes with financial and legal responsibilities, particularly when it comes to payroll and taxes. If you're considering hiring a nanny, it’s [...]

By |2025-02-18T18:46:18+00:00February 18th, 2025|Caregivers|0 Comments

Juggling Elder Care and a Full-Time Job

Caring for Parents and Working Full Time Taking care of an aging parent or loved one, while holding down a full-time job, can make it feel like you are working around the clock. With the added stress, minimal sleep and twice the amount of responsibility, you may be left feeling exhausted.    According to the Family Caregiver Alliance,  as many as 42 percent of employed Americans have provided eldercare to a parent or senior family member in the last five years.  The average age of these elder caregivers is 49, which also happens to be a peak time for earnings [...]

By |2025-02-06T16:47:58+00:00June 20th, 2019|Caregivers|0 Comments

Does the Summer have you feeling Sandwiched and Stressed?

Caring for Children and Aging Parents Taking care of the little ones can be stressful enough, but adding an aging parent to the mix can be downright exhausting.  Your aging parent may have medical needs such as Alzheimer’s disease or physical limitations, which can add another level of stress.  It certainly does not get any easier when the kids are home for summer break and everyone’s routine is a little off. The Sandwich Generation People taking care of both their children and their parents make up what is known as “the sandwich generation.”  According to The Pew Research Center, [...]

By |2025-02-06T16:50:15+00:00June 6th, 2019|Caregivers|0 Comments