Quick Start - How To...
Navigating around NannyPay2 is very easy. The main screen is referred to as the "Home" screen, which is where you create payroll transactions, print pay stubs, and perform other payroll chores. You can always move to the Home screen from other parts of the program by clicking on the "Home" screen icon (1) on the horizontal menu bar at the top of the main application window. On the vertical menu bar on the left side of the screen are a series of icons, each one corresponding to a NannyPay2 location (e.g., Settings (3), Payroll Register Screen (2), Report Center, and W-2/W-3 and Schedule H screens). Click on an icon to navigate around NannyPay2 and to learn more about its features.
To calculate a payroll transaction, use the employee specific settings on the panel to the left of the pay check image. These include transaction type, hours worked, salary, pay period, date paid, check number, etc. Some of these settings default to the most commonly used setting or are automatically filled (e.g., salary amount). The numbered parts of the diagram refer to the steps below.
There are three ways to review your employees' payroll transactions: (1) use the browsing arrows; (2) review the payroll register; or (3) run a report.
There are two methods for deleting a payroll transaction: (1) Use the delete button on the Home screen; or (2) delete the transaction form the payroll register screen.
To change your employee's pay rate, navigate to the Settings Screen
Print your employee's pay stub from the Home Screen
Print your payroll reports from the NannyPay2 Report Center
Use the "Add Employee" Setup Wizard to add new employees. When adding new employees, it is very useful to have each employee's federal and state Form W-4 to serve as a reference for filling out tax settings.
Delete employees from the Employee Settings Screen